Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow


(as of 07/07/2014 at 07:33 UTC)

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SKU: B0009Z3K9E. Categories: , .

In order to save himself and protect the lives of those he loves, Soma must infiltrate the enemy's home base, a towering replica of Dracula's castle that is teaming with monstrous creatures. Created by award-winning producer Koji Igarashi and the creative team behind the critically acclaimed Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow


  • Interact with Castlevania by defeating evil spirits with the Magic Seal system, which utilizes Nintendo DS' touch screen
  • Exchange or trade acquired souls with other players via the DS wireless connection
  • Continues the storyline that first emerged in the critically acclaimed Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow for Nintendo GameBoy Advance
  • Introduces a variety of memorable new characters that help drive an exciting and dramatic storyline
  • Includes stunning graphics and special effects, as well as an all-new incredibly moving musical score