Known for its accessibility, best-selling CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 10th Edition delivers a field-based approach to modern investigative principles and practices that is strongly grounded in current research.
- Technology Innovations: Lead stimulating in-class discussions with these boxed features, which highlight the most recent advancements in criminal investigations, such as Laptop Lineup; paperless reporting;G.P.S. photo mapping; virtual autopsies using M.R.I. scanning; searchable video surveillance; and a new prototype method for detecting fingerprints with X-rays.
- Reliable Material: Get unmatched coverage with CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 10th Edition, which always delivers the latest detailed updates on technology, statistics, laws, procedures and practices, and more.
- Student-Friendly, Best-Selling Coverage: Well-written and easy to read, with a field-based perspective grounded in current research, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 10th Edition is the book of choice for criminal justice courses at any level.
- Useful Instructor Supplements: An Instructor's Edition, instructor website and Engagement Tracker on CourseMate give you the tools you need to track your students' engagement and help them succeed.
- Interactive Learning Tools: Give students more ways to study with the accompanying WebTutor and CourseMate supplements.
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